Next Challenge

Now that Stanwick is out of the way it is back to endurance training all the way, have the Stansted Trail Marathon late in December and planning for a 100km run very early in January.

For 2010 I'm planning

1. To run 100km - probably in January
2. To go back and run the Ridgeway end to end
3. Do the across Wales run, and then back again

I also have a few days in the Howgills in Feburary and in the Lakes in April so hopeful will get some good runs in there as well.

A big thank you to everybody who has helped me raise money for Great Ormond Street Childrens Hospital.

Sunday, 12 April 2009

The Challenge

So, time to come clean and go public.

In June I'm planning to challenge myself to the limit and complete the Ridgeway Long Distance path.

The Ridgeway National Trail is a 87 miles (139km) route through ancient landscapes from Averbury to Ivenhoe. It crosses rolling, open downland to the west of the River Thames and through secluded valleys and woods in the Chilterns to the east, following the same route used since prehistoric times by travellers, herdsmen and soldiers.

Just to make things a little harder I'm going to do it non-stop and might even run some of it. I've run a few fairly long distance runs in training (28 miles is my longest) so I know I should be able to do it - but I've never done anything so long and in one go so I have a real feeling of the unknown.

So now I've gone public there is not backing out. I'll update this blog on my training and kit and maybe if I can find a way actually provide live updates on the day.

Wish me luck!