Only a couple of days left now. Thanks to everybody who has sponsored me, I do really appreciate it - it isn't to late to sponsor me, you can either do it on-line or stuff used notes in my hand!!
The cold is still with me, but little more than a bit of a cough and a running nose. I also seem to of picked up a bit of an ear infection but that just means I'm a little deaf in one ear so nothing to stop me.
I managed a 100km bike ride on Saturday, really as the final fitness test. I was a bit tired at the end, although that was more down to poor nutrition that the distance but soon recovered and was please my legs were not at all sore on Sunday morning.
All that is left to do now is make sure everything is packed and ready to go - get plenty of sleep and eat loads of pasta - ie (bar finishing) the best bit.
Next Challenge
Now that Stanwick is out of the way it is back to endurance training all the way, have the Stansted Trail Marathon late in December and planning for a 100km run very early in January.
For 2010 I'm planning
1. To run 100km - probably in January
2. To go back and run the Ridgeway end to end
3. Do the across Wales run, and then back again
I also have a few days in the Howgills in Feburary and in the Lakes in April so hopeful will get some good runs in there as well.
A big thank you to everybody who has helped me raise money for Great Ormond Street Childrens Hospital.